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Islamic dreams about Women Wearing Jewelry find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Women Wearing Jewelry dictionary!
Women Wearing Jewelry dream interpretations

Fake jewelry Dream Explanation — (See Alum) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jewelry shop Dream Explanation — A jeweler's shop in a dream means happiness, celebrations, a wedding, ornaments, Adam's apple, or a Quran study circle. (Also see Jeweler) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Women Dream Explanation — In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jewellry Worn by Women Dream Explanation — if they are made from gold or silver they symbolise a pleasant life and embellishment for the women, But if they are one or two ankle-rings or bracelets then they represent her husband, brother or father. The same is the interpretation of a crown although according to some, it presents a king or ruler. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dreaming of Men, Women and Animals Dream Explanation — To see someone speaking to the observer or giving him something suggests that the observer will socialize or deal with him or someone who bears a similar name or resembles him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Asking to marry a Stout and Black Women Dream Explanation — A person approached Ibn Sirin (RA) and revealed the following dream: “I saw a black, stout woman in my dream whom I asked to marry me. Please tell me what is the interpretation?” The Imaam asked: “Do you know this woman?” He replied: “Yes:”. The Imaam said: “Then why the delay in works of piety? Proceed straightaway and get married to her. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Asking to marry a Stout and Black Women Dream Explanation — For her black colour suggest that she is well to do. And her height suggest that she will not live long”. Hearing this, the person approached the woman, proposed marriage to her and subsequently married her. Not many days passed before she suddenly died and he became her only heir to all her wealth. In this way the Imaam's interpretation became a reality. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wearing Bracelets Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself as wearing two bracelets, he will find himself in straitened circumstances and will face some unpleasant conditions. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wearing a mask Dream Explanation — (See Mask) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wearing a pearl Necklace Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself wearing a necklace made of pearls, it means he will commit the Holy Quran to memory and he will become trustworthy and Allah-fearing. He will be a person with a huge family. He will be held in high esteem by men and women alike. The more strings there are to such a necklace the greater will be his trustworthiness and esteem and family. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wearing Torn Garments Dream Explanation — If a person wears torn clothes while he is mending them it means his financial condition will improve. Also he is to acquire adequate sustenance. In all conditions, garments bespeak a persons condition (as understood from above). Similarly, if he is a sinner, his condition will improve through repentance. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wearing a Ring, Necklace or Earrings Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself as wearing any of the above then ther is some goodness to be found in such a dream though little Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Waraqah Wearing White Garments Dream Explanation — 'Aishah said: "The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was asked about Waraqah. Khadijah said to him: 'He believed in you, but he died before your advent.' So the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: 'I saw him in a dream, and upon him were white garments. If he were among the inhabitants of the Fire then he would have been wearing other than that.'" Dream Interpreter: Imam Tirmidhi

A Wife Wearing the Military Clothes of her Husband Dream Explanation — The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her. The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her husband or he will benefit from her good qualities. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Armlet Dream Explanation — Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one's daughter in marriage to one's nephew. Wearing an armlet made from beads in a dream means suffering pressure and distress caused by one's brother or sister. Any jewelry that is worn by a woman in a dream represent her husband. (Also see Bracelet) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wool Dream Explanation — Wool symbolizes plenty of money, like any woollen, hairy, cotton, or linen clothes.
• Sleeping on wool: Will obtain money from a woman or through her.
• Wool burning: Corrupt religious faith and possible bankruptcy.
• A scholar wearing wool: Will become ascetic.
• A dog wearing wool: A mean person is receiving money from an honest man.
• A lion wearing wool: The ruler promotes justice and equity.
• A lion wearing cotton or linen clothes: The ruler is a tyrant who despoils people of their money and abuses their women. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jewellry Dream Explanationjewelry normally worn by men symbolises beauty and adornment. The more beautiful such jewelry the greater the beauty and adornment. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ruby Dream Explanation — The ruby symbolizes joy, entertainment and luxury and the friend whose heart is tough. A small number of rube stones alludes to women; more is money.
• Wearing a ring with a ruby: The dreamer will be pious and make a name for himself.
• A man hoping or expecting that his wife will give him a male child taking a ruby: She will have a girl.
• Wearing or hoarding a ruby ring: Wife is pregnant.  (1) If wife is already pregnant, she will give birth to a girl who will soon die.  (2) If the hero of the dream is a bachelor, he will find something or pick up an abandoned female child.  (3) Wearing a red ruby ring: A pretty but very harsh woman is in love with the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Silver Dream Explanation — Though silver is better than gold in the interpretation of dreams, bangles and bracelets are a bad omen for men, who are not supposed to wear them, and a good augury for women. A man wearing a silver anklet will experience fear, be chained, or go to jail. For men anklets are chains. Anyhow, no ornaments are good for the masculine gender in dreams, except rings, pendants, necklaces, and earrings. For women, all jewels and ornaments are, generally, good dreams in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads as follows: “Beautiful for mankind is love of the joys [that come] from women and offspring, and stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and horses branded [with their mark] and cattle and land. That is comfort of the life of the world. Allah! With Him is a more excellent abode.”  (“Al-Imran” [The Imran Family], verse 14.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bracelet Dream Explanation — If a woman sees herself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means blessings, favors and joy. A silver bracelet in a dream means increase in one's profits. In general men wearing bracelets in a dream means distress, and for women it means ornaments. If one sees a deceased person wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Wearing a golden bracelet is also interpreted as receiving an inheritance, a marriage, or bearing a child. Silver bracelets in a dream also could be interpreted as piety and observing one's religious duties. Bracelets in a dream also represent the noble people of a town, money, or beauty. If the bracelets are made from bones, ivory or cast iron, then they represent the despicable people of that town. Bracelets in a dream also can be interpreted as sorrows, imitations, the coming events of a town, or events it exports. (Also see Armlet; Bond) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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